Why I’m a Christian: Juan
I am a Christian because I didn’t choose God, rather He chose me. I was 18 years old in college. After experiencing the human condition; the lack of love, care, charity and the abundance of pain and...
View ArticleWhy I’m a Christian: Nick Peters
I grew up in a small town in Tennessee and went to church regularly with my parents. At the age of 11, I gave my life to Christ and my faith was always an integral part of my life. I was a unique child...
View ArticleWhy I’m a Christian: Miles
I was not raised in a religious home (unless you count praying over dinner to be religious). I don’t recall having many, if any, conversations about religion with my parents when I was a child. I went...
View ArticleWhy I’m a Christian: Kyle
I was raised by a nominally Christian family. We went to church every Sunday, but that’s about the extent of our Christian devotion. Outside of those church walls on Sunday mornings, it wasn’t an...
View ArticleWhy I’m a Christian: Alfonso
The Christian experience in the Philippines is a typical mixup of misconceptions involving the idea of an all-seeing Divine Entity whose eye is always watching what you’re doing, and ready to zap you...
View ArticleWhy I’m a Christian: Jonathan
One mistake many people make is to think that our intuitions are largely unreliable or intellectually irrelevant as a deliverance of reason. I am not one of those persons. To be clear, we generally...
View ArticleWhy I’m a Christian: Mike
I am a Christian because at the age of six I embraced the Gospel, accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior through faith. At that age the Holy Spirit gave me the understanding of the burden of sin...
View ArticleWhy I’m a Christian: Oliver
I am a Christian because I believe that Jesus is my Lord and saviour. ‘I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen. Not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything...
View ArticleWhy I’m a Christian: Austin
I was born to Christian parents and I was raised by memorizing Bible verses and being taken to church three times a week. If anyone should have been a Christian by default, it was me. I was...
View ArticleWhy I’m a Christian: David Rodriguez
I grew up going to a private Christian elementary school down in southern California. Because of my exposure to Christianity and God there, I grew up with a fear and basic knowledge of Jesus and his...
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